Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What I'm Reading

Illumination: Edward's Meadow

This story is written by Rhian0000 and is rated G.

I'll be honest, this story's banner is what caught my attention. Anyone who says a banner can't draw readers doesn't know what they are talking about. Just like the cover of a book can draw you in, so can a well made banner.

This is a completely cannon story that gives the readers Edward's point of view of the meadow scene in Twilight. It is section of Twilight has been written and rewritten so many times, but it is rare that you find a really well done one.

Illumination: Edward's Meadow is perhaps the best version of this section of the story I've ever read. The author has been able to capture the range of Edward's emotions and thoughts, including his confusion, his pull, desire, and love for Bella.

I have never given a story a five out of five stars before, but this one has reached that level for me. Edward is one of my favorite fictional characters for his complexity that I feel is so often lost in the cannon fics. This one did him the justice that I find is so often lacking.

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