Monday, October 5, 2009


Moving Forward - This is an alternate ending Prison Break fic. I like so many others was not happy at the end of Season 3 when by all accounts Sara Tancredi was dead. I was and still am a huge Michael and Sara shipper and wanted to give them a happy ending. In this story, I kept all the elements of Season 3, with the exception of the killing of our beloved Sara.
The exchange was made, but not with L.J. and Sofia, but with L.J. and Sara. Moving Forward picks up two years after Season 3 ends with Michael and Sara getting ready to go on their first real date. Things were not all rosy for our couple once leaving Panama. Michael decided to turn himself in, and ended up spending 18 months back in Fox River under close surveillance. He's out now, and trying to make a life for himself and Sara.

Perspective - Twilight has such a huge fan base and it spans all ages. After reading the books, like so many other fans, I wanted more. Finding fan fiction feed that need. At first, I gravitated toward the cannon stories, the ones that were 'missing moments' as they were. As with so many fans I've ran into, many of us wanted more when it came to Bella and Edward 'practicing' for their honeymoon and then of course the actual event. And after reading a handful of stories, I couldn't find that one I was looking for. The one where Bella and Edward didn't end up crossing boundaries before they were married.

The first chapter of Perspective is Edward talking to Carlisle, telling him about he and Bella's compromise. After that, the story jumps ahead two weeks and goes from there. It is still a work in progress, but we are nearing the end. Perspective is told solely from Edward's POV and shows the delicate balance he has to endure between love and desire.

Finding Bella - This story has been a leap of faith for me. It deals with very dark themes and I was very nervous about posting it. Only after several friends encouraged me did a press that button on the keyboard with butterflies in my stomach.

Finding Bella is an alternate universe - human story taken from many different avenues of reading and the news. A college friend of Edward's asks him out to lunch to tell him about a girl he believes is being held against her will as a submissive sex slave. Edward is a Dominant, and although he's had submissives before, nothing could have prepared him for a woman whose had all her free will taken away from her. This story is about healing and finding love in a most unlikely place.

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