Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sad and Unfortunate News

It was brought to my attention tonight that some members of the fandom who are not happy about some of the fanfiction authors publishing their stories have taken it upon themselves to compile a list of fics and put them into a database for everyone to access who wants to. This makes publishing a story that one has written and posted on the fandom extremely difficult. It is sad that these individuals feel that they have the right from the author to take the story they've created to a larger readership, but that is exactly what is happening. We all share our writing on the fandom for free, but that does not mean that if we find our work to be 'good enough' we would not want to try and publish it and make money from it. We all put a lot of time and effort into these stories.

So, it is with a sad heart that I have removed Finding Bella. Given that I have announced that I am publishing a novel (not Finding Bella), I feel that I, and my story will soon be targeted by this group. Believe me when I say that I do this with great sadness. I know that Finding Bella has a huge following in the fandom and that it will be missed.

With that said, I want to assure you that you all will get your ended. Unfortunately, due to what is going on, you are now going to wait until the story is published. It will be a series of books instead of one and I am hoping to have the first one out, if all goes well, sometime next year.

I will not be disappearing from the fandom, and I will probably still write here although I will most likely be sticking to cannon or AU stories from now on.

I am asking that if you do have a copy of Finding Bella saved on your hard drive that you do not share it. Many of you will not be happy with my decision, but I do hope you understand. This is personal. Whether or not an author used the Twilight characters as a jumping board or not write their story, it is still their story and belongs to them. I ask my readers to please respect that and not help add to this.


What I'm Reading

Illumination: Edward's Meadow

This story is written by Rhian0000 and is rated G.

I'll be honest, this story's banner is what caught my attention. Anyone who says a banner can't draw readers doesn't know what they are talking about. Just like the cover of a book can draw you in, so can a well made banner.

This is a completely cannon story that gives the readers Edward's point of view of the meadow scene in Twilight. It is section of Twilight has been written and rewritten so many times, but it is rare that you find a really well done one.

Illumination: Edward's Meadow is perhaps the best version of this section of the story I've ever read. The author has been able to capture the range of Edward's emotions and thoughts, including his confusion, his pull, desire, and love for Bella.

I have never given a story a five out of five stars before, but this one has reached that level for me. Edward is one of my favorite fictional characters for his complexity that I feel is so often lost in the cannon fics. This one did him the justice that I find is so often lacking.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What's what

So many things are going on in my life right now, and for those of you who also follow me on Twitter you are aware of some of them. I thought this was a good time to give everyone an update on just what is going on right now.

First, the question I hear most often is when is Finding Bella coming back. I don't have an exactly posting date as of yet, however, I do plan to resume writing in November. The problem is that given all of the controversy the last couple of chapters caused, I have not decided if I want to post the chapters as I go anymore or finish the story first before I put anything up. Part of the reason I took a break was because all of the arguing and debating was too distracting. I want to put up a quality story that I'm proud of. In order to do that, I have to have the time to write it.

Next, again some of you know this, but my basement flooded almost a month ago. Everything in our basement had to be removed so it could be dried out. I also lost my washer and dryer. We're currently waiting on the insurance so that we can replace what was lost and get things moved back downstairs. Right now, I have crates and boxes almost to the ceiling in multiple rooms. Let's just say that moving around my house isn't exactly the easiest thing to do right now.

Finally, I wanted to give you all an update on my novel. It will be out some time in January, and pre-orders will begin in December. I know you are all wanting more information, and I promise that more will be coming soon. ;)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Halloween Countdown

October 1st started the second annual Halloween Countdown and Collaboration. Each day leading up to Halloween a new one-shot will be posted.

What is the Halloween Countdown and Collaboration? It is made up of two parts. The first, The Halloween Countdown, is made up of 35 invited authors. Each author involved wrote a one-shot with a Halloween theme.

One of the unique things about this is that it is not a contest. There is no winners or losers. Each writer was invited to participate in the countdown.

And to make it a little more interesting for the readers, it's anonymous! At the end of each posted chapter are 'author hints'. When you submit your review of the chapter you can also take a stab at which author wrote it. (A list of the participating authors is listed under 'Chapter 1'.)

The second part of this is the Collaboration. For the author's participating, the assignment was to be given one chapter of a 31 chapter story and write it without seeing any of the other chapters written by the other's involved. The organizer provides a loose outline, but the rest is up to the individual writers.

In case you are wondering, yes, I am participating in this. Can you guess which of the 35 one-shots is mine? If you're feeling that Halloween spirit start to creep up on you, check this out.